
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Common Core Assessment

I am dreaming Common Core. That is just wrong on so many levels. Especially since I read Fifty Shades of Grey recently. WOW, that was an eye opener. BIG mistake to read an erotic book while my husband was out of town. HUGE. I was super happy to see him when he got home. :-) Am I over-sharing? My cheeks are pink just typing this.  

Anyway, what kind of lame brain focuses on the Common Core over a Red Room fantasy??  One that has sat through 8 days of training, perhaps?
One of the shifts in the Common Core is the idea that learning will be proven through student explanation. It seems to me that many of these standards will best be assessed through observation. To keep myself organized, I made checklists for each strand (ELA) and domain (math.) 
One set has each standard listed across the top. 
The second set has the cluster headings and space to write in the activity, skill, etc. Many districts break their report card down into similar headings so I thought this would be helpful.
I plan to put one set on a clipboard for me to jot down quick formative assessments. My district uses 3=at grade level standard, 2=approaching standard, and 1=below standard but you could easily use +, ✓, − or your own system.
I plan to hole-punch another set for my grade book to record summative assessments.

I was also thinking these checklists would help me form intervention groups.  As I observe students struggling, I can quickly highlight the standard on their names and voila, small group formed!
     As I familiarize myself with these new standards, I thought it also might help to check off each standard as I teach it. This will ensure I hit all of them throughout the year and will illustrate which standards need more attention.

 If you think this might be helpful, click {HERE} to visit my TpT store. 
Would you like to win a FREE copy? Just leave a comment below about anything {Common Core, the kinky book, let me know that you pinned this, a question you have for me, something else you'd like to see me make,  ANYTHING just talk to me peeps} and I'll pick a winner as I sit attentively in day 9 of training tomorrow. ;-)

Anyone interested in me making one of these packs for a different grade level?



  1. Looks awesome! Enjoy the remainder of your training!!

  2. I am also immersed in both the Common Core AND the kinky trilogy! WHEW!!!

    These checklists look awesome... pick me, pick me! :)

  3. I have been sitting in training for the past two days. I am on overload as well. I think that the phrase using the text or using the illustration explain... will be the only thing coming out of my mouth.

  4. Well I haven't read Fifty Shades of Gray but I am very interested in the new Common Core Standards. I will be going to the States training in Orlando next week for 5 days. I also have a feeling my brain will be over loaded by the end of the day next Friday. I hope you continue to create more CCS blog topics and activities throughout the summer and next year.

  5. This looks awesome! Common Core is still so new to me so any awesome resource would help!

  6. We start transitioning to CC next year....what a great resource!

  7. I wish we had trainings like that offered in my district... right now all they offer is a 2 hour training on the presentation that is on the common core website!!! :)
    Share any other findings!!
    I would love these checklists! I was planning on making some for myself ;)
    I already read all 3 books.... hahaha at your comment about them! :0
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  8. I just finished the book too!! And I agree it was an eye opener! Your checklists look amazing! I would love to hear more about CC and your training! I think it's wonderful that teachers are sharing their thoughts and ideas about CC.

    Cheers To School

  9. I have spent four days with my grade level creating a plan for Common Core. I am pinning this because I know many would love this resource.

  10. I just started reading 50 Shades of Grey too and I think I turned 50 shades of red reading it lol. Glad others feel the same way it's an erotic read. Blush! Back to Common Core! I'm so happy that you posted this because I need something to organize my information overload! Thank you I will be using this next year!

    Rambling About Reading

  11. This looks great as so many of us could put it to use. We transitioned to math common core last year, and we are diving into ELA this year!


  12. I have also been dreaming about common core...aww


  13. I think this looks great! :) I'm sorry you're sitting they so much training over your summer! Wanna take my dog to the vet and go to my postpartum doctor spot instead? ;)

    1. And by 'spot' I mean appt... Silly phone autocorrect!

  14. I'll be in Day 4 of training tomorrow. Since it's all about the common core, this is fresh in my mind right now. I would love this!
    Joell Wilkins

  15. Interesting you should mention Fifty shades of Grey, a public radio station I listened to today mentioned that book as a great Summer read!
    I am also jumping into the trenches of CC. It will interesting when the Science CC just published.

  16. What a fantastic resource! We don't have any sort of training, so implementing the standards is sort of up to us to figure out.
    I am thinking about diving into the trilogy. After your comments about it, I might have to try it out!

    Mrs. Webster’s Classroom Connections

  17. Have no shame for reading it! As long as you don't go see "Magic Mike", too, I think you are good to go. On a more tame note, I would LOVE to have this checklist because, well, it looks super convenient. Plus the Type-A person in me loves checklists!

    Cardigans, Coffee, & One Cute Classroom

  18. This looks great1 Would love to see it for 2nd grade! Read 50 Shades at the husband also benefited! Am not sure everything in that book is really possible (have been googling!!).

  19. These look great, would LOVE to win a copy :)!

  20. Common Core is at the forefront of my thinking as I served on the first grade committee to disaggregate (unpack) the ELA and Math standards for our state (South Dakota). I still have several days this summer and next summer to finish up the training. These would be great to add to my growing file names "Common Core."

  21. I love this packet. I would love to use it next year. Thank you for making such a wonderful packet

    Stephanie Soltero

  22. ROTFLMAO I have read the trilogy and my 10 yo was constantly asking me what I was reading and I kept brushing him off saying it was about a married couple. Then there was a Nightline commmercial and my son yelled, "mom that's the book you are reading" I just about died. That was a few weeks ago. The other day I was reading one of the books and he was like. "You reading 50 shades mom" I do not know what he has heard about these books, but I give him the evil eye every time he starts questioning me about them. LOL

  23. I can't stop laughing after reading your post! I'm a dork with all things CCSS and yet I feel like a have a second life when reading my Fifty on my Kindle!!! Lol At least I started reading it while my husband and I were on our first vaca away since our five year old was born....let's just say "Whatever happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas!" :-) literally.
    LOVE these checklists!!!!!

  24. This is a fantastic resource! I wish my district gave us as much training as yours on the common core, when I taught second, I had to teach the rest of the second grade teachers all about the common core, and all the training I had was via reading the standards and blogs! Again, awesome job!
    Fourth and Ten

  25. This is so perfect! I would love it fit for Kindergarten!!!!

    Beg, Borrow, Steal

  26. What a great idea! I am moving to first grade this year and it would be perfect! I also pinned this!

  27. I just came from a Common Core meeting at school today learning how to unpack the standards.:). Would love to win this!

  28. this looks awesome...i'm in a training too, have a great summer!!

  29. Love the kinky trilogy ;) I just finished the last book and am sad that there are no more! As for common Core your ideas are awesome!


  30. I so need this! CommoCore is a lot to manage. Your checklists would be awesome! I'm into book 3 of Fifty Shades...and I'm reading VERY VERY slowly since I don't want it to end!
    ☺ Tanya
    First Grade is Fantabulous!

  31. Love this! i would love to have a copy. Just pinned this!!

  32. Looks like a great resource, almost as great as sneaking into the red room and peeking in the drawers! Why do I feel so guilty for devouring the trilogy? Happy summer! ;)

  33. Since you are 8 days into training, have they said why there are 2 groups of states with Common Core Standards (PARCC and I forget the other assessment)? My school just has its 'toe in the water' as far as common core and it is all confusing to me because it still seems like states are still developing their own standards. Hope that makes sense. Good luck with day 9. I'm sure I'll feel your pain...eventually.

  34. Love the checklists. I teach first grade and we are slowly implementing Common Core this year. This would be an excellent tool to have!

  35. I've sat through quite a few trainings myself and the one thing no one seems to answer is my question about how assessments will look. Our state seems to have a pattern with "great ideas followed by very little details" This resource is a wonderful idea and I'm glad to see tips/info on assssments by fellow bloggers. The idea of a standard checklist has also crossed my mind- thank you for sharing your work!

    The Learning Tree

  36. I absolutely love the check list. I would love to win one! I am excited to see what common core does for our students. I definitely need all the tools and help that I can get for common core.

  37. Looks awesome and helpful!! I am potentially moving to 1st grade next year and these would be great :)

  38. Oh you are so funny Jenn! My hubs to be just bought me the first book in the trilogy and now you really have me curious!

    Anyway, these look great and I'd certainly love to win them! I really love your idea of using the checklists to help form groups! Simple and brilliant!


  39. Yes, I would LOVE to see these for Kg since I don't teach first grade! lol
    We are having CC training in our county next week - only 2 days though so it won't be nearly as long as what you are having to go through. We also had to have 3 trainings after school for 2 hours each over the past few months...

  40. These would come in so handy to have in the classroom. Awesome!

  41. Awesome. I'd love one for 2nd grade.

    Miss Nelson's blog

  42. I am SOOOO with you! CCSS is going to take some time to get used to! Thanks for all of your help! Would LOVE a copy...THANKS!

  43. Jenn these are awesome. I just finished Common Core training and our county is implementing them into the primary grades this year. These would be fabulous. Your post about Fifty Shades is hilarious...I'm almost finished reading it. WOW what a book!!

  44. Well I teach Kindergarten but I would certainly pay for someone to do this for kinder...wink,wink.
    Let's see, I didn't read the book...
    BUT just found a fabulous site for Reading with Core standards for each lesson and state standards too..It is also done in a great "I do,we do,you do" part it is FREE. Go explore!
    If I win I would love to share this with my first grade buddies!

  45. We won't begin training until the end of summer break. I have begun to try to break it down. These would be so helpful.

  46. WOW, this is perfect! I was trained in Common Core last year and our lesson plans had to reflect the changes this year. I was lucky enough to be chosen for a state project making formative assessments for ELA K-5 testing, so I even get to see Common Core when I am not at school!
    Regarding Mr. Grey, there are no words... so laters baby!

  47. My district adopted the Common Core standards last year. They have set up a pacing guide for us that is divided into four and a half week segments. After the end of each segment we have our students take reading and math multiple choice tests to assess that set of standards. After all that LOL I would like to know if you are still using the Whole Brain Model for classroom management. I have recently discovered it and can't wait to implement it into my room next year.

  48. I am really wanting to read that series...but I jumped on the Hunger Games bandwagon later than most and am going to read those first...then my undivided attention will be given to Mr. Grey. I've heard oh so much about him!

    Hopefully the Sandman will help you switch your dreams from Common Core to something more fun!

    You Might Be a First Grader...

  49. I really really want to read 50 Shades of Grey, but just don't have the time right now, I know I know, such a whimpy excuse....but my son is in travel baseball right now and it seems like we are on the go every flipping minute and my daughter is in gymnastics...and being a single mom, I try to do it all, and you know how some days its just TOO MUCH! Well summer seems to be one of those days....We just got out of school on June 7 and I already had to go back today for a retention meeting with a parent that is trying to fight me on it. UGH.... She decided NOT to come to the first 2 meetings we had on her child and now that school is out, she decided it wasn't a good idea for her daughter to be retained. Seriously? Now that I think about it, maybe reading 50 shades would take my mind off of everything else. Hmm...i might just have to go pick me up a copy tomorrow!

    I'd love the common core stuff. My principal and our superintendent wants us to get together over the summer as a grade level and make commom assessments
    aligned with the common core. This checklist would be a great start for us. Then they wants us to get together with other grade levels in our surrounding districts to all have common core assessments. REALLY? I can't even imagine how that meeting will go. It'll be hard enough with my own grade level.

    Anyways, I hope you enjoy your training! At least you will have some comments to read through to keep you entertained. Have a great day!


  50. I too would love a copy.


  51. Trying not to think about CC and more about Fifty! LOL My hubby told me last night there will be probably be a baby boom from this book! HA... hopefully not at my house :)

    Tattling to the Teacher

  52. Your checklists are amazing, and perfect for a Type A like me! I only wish my district was offering training on the Common Core - right now, it looks like we're just going to be thrown in the water and expected to swim. Eek! As for Fifty Shades, I just finished book 3, and I have to admit, I'm really sad that it's over :(


  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Hey! These checklists are awesome! We are switching to a standards based report card next year.. and these would be awesome! We dived into common core this past year, and I think it will really benefit our students!!! Just finished a 3 days ELLA training out of 12, so I understand summer workshops!
    Ana (I had to delete earlier comment.. .my address was typed wrong)

  55. Your checklists are awesome! I am also taking a common core training course this week. I feel the overload as well.

  56. This is amazing!!!!!
    And I read the books while I was out of town. So I understand. Completely. Red cheeks and all.

  57. I haven't read the 50 shades book but your blushing cheeks made me laugh. I have been thinking about trying to create common core checklists but now I won't have to.

  58. I am on book 2 of Mr. Grey. I like it better than the first one. It's different, that's for sure! Thanks for making these! They look great!

  59. The comments on this post are cracking me up! I just finished the first book in the kinky trilogy and I'm hooked. Somebody also mentioned Magic Mike of which I cannot wait to go see- no shame :) As for Common Core this checklist you put together looks amazing!!

    ❤- Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  60. Just started following and loving everything.This is such a great tool to use in the classroom. Thanks! Oh and I am getting 50 Shades tomorrow. ;)

  61. Haha! I love your checklists, and as for 50 shades... I'm boycotting! :P The reason: I'm a single mom of two under two. I do NOT need to add any more "frustration" to my life ;) I'll live vicariously through everyone I know who is lucky enough to be able to add said "frustration". ;) This post totally made my day.

    PS... I just barely started a blog... I want to be in on this cool teacher thing. I think I have like ONE post. :( But it's (wow that looks long all typed out like that)

  62. I would LOVE it for kindergarten!! We only have a three hour training... on the last day of school!!

  63. We have been using Common Core for 2 years and it doesn't seem to be getting easier! This would difinetly help with my assessments.

  64. We fully implanted common core this year along with a standards based report card (our report card was over 20 years old) and a new evaluation system along with a few other things!!!!! What a year!I am glad today is our last day (I will miss my firsties) and am looking forward to having some down time with my colleagues afterschool. These checklists would be very helpful as I reorganize this summer. I also hope to read 50 shades this summer. I would love a copy. Thank you for sharing.

  65. I would LOVE this for 3rd grade. I was talking with a colleague about having a standards checklist and comments page to be able to send home with report cards so parents can really see what the grades mean. It would also help to create flexible groups for intervention time. I am even pondering purchasing the first grade set to be able to quickly make a third grade set.


  66. We are implementing the Common Core for the first time this coming school year (WV). Kindergarten did last year and now it's first grades turn. :) Your checklists look like they would be a HUGE help! I'm going to pin it. Oh, and I keep hearing about that book.......I guess I need to read it ;)

  67. Hi, we won't get training in my school until the day before school starts next year. Just one day, so I need all the help I can get. BTW, I'm on the second book of Fifty series, and it definitely takes your mind off work.

  68. Love these! I would love to have these. Hang in there for the training.
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

  69. I haven't done much lately with Common Core. I leave tomorrow for vacation and when I return I will be going to a State Workshop on Common Core for 4 days. I find what you made very helpful. I teach 3 different grades in reading so I would have to have 1 for each grade. Keep your chin up while at training. Maybe you could share what your district is telling you with all of us, so that we can compare.
    The Teacher's Backpack

  70. Just finished Common Core training and your checklist look very helpful. I have a feeling CC is all I'll be dreaming about this summer...

  71. FIFTY SHADES, OHHHH MY! I'm on book two and man am I glad that my husband wasn't out of town like you said, wink, wink! ;)

  72. Hi Jen! This looks great!!! Our district hasn't implemented common core yet but I like to plan ahead :)
    Over the 1st Grade Rainbow

  73. These are awesome. We transition to Common Core this year and it is at the front of my mind this summer.
    Grade School Giggles

  74. WOW, these are great and just what I need. You sure saved me a bunch of time!

  75. These look great! I read the trilogy in a week! Heard yesterday that there might be a new trilogy from Christian's point of view:) JUST IMAGINE!!

    The Resourceful Apple

  76. I pinned this! We have 2 new teachers on our team this year and we are starting Common Core this year, so we need all the resources we can get!

  77. I love your site and your organization. As a teacher it would help me keep track of my students and the CCS. My concern is that some teachers might get blogged down in all of the paperwork.
    I am an instructional coach and I have learned that not everyone's classroom or minds work the same as mine. Any ideas anyone on how to help other teachers to keep up on the paperwork?
    Thanks for your GREAT Blog post!
    PS: I love 50 Shades of Grey!

  78. I have heard a lot about 50 shades of grey, so it's worth reading? These checklists look great and easy to use!!

  79. I would really like a copy of this! My district is going to CCSS next year and I am on the math committee. This would be super helpful!

  80. I think I'm the only one on the planet that hasn't read that book. I need to get with it!

  81. Wow! This looks really great and it will go well with our new report cards.

  82. Would love to see a copy for kindergarten. We implemented CCSS last year and had only a 1 day workshop to look it over and begin to put together curriculum pacing guides to go along with the new ELA program we were adopting. It's still a work in progress.
    "The Wonderful World of Kindergarten"

  83. I have read the first 2 books in the Fifty Shades of Grey series...oh. my.goodness. I am going to re-read them before going on to #3. Yes, my cheeks are pink, too!! I would love to win the Common Core pack and equal out my summer reading with something professional!

  84. My mom wants me to download Fifty Shades of Grey for her Kindle...hmm...maybe I should talk her out of it now lol

    But, I'm excited and nervous about common core. I think it will challenge our kids and make them think on higher levels. I hope to win your packet because any help is more than I have now!

    I'd also like to see you make one for 2nd grade.

    Sweet Seconds

  85. Wow! What a great resource you've made. Love this! There is so much to take in with the common core and this really helps keep it organized.


  86. Hey Jenn!
    This looks like an awesome resource-would LOVE to win it!!! {Of course, all of your is awesome!} All this Common Core stuff tends to make our brains cRaZy! Maybe thats why we need to read Fifty Shades of Grey!?!
    Christie :)
    First Grade Fever

    1. Meant to say "all of your stuff is awesome"! (Not sure if that was Common Core or Fifty Shades of Grey messin' with my brain! lol)

  87. These look GREAT!I am a new teacher looking for a classroom! Would definitely pay for these at any k-5 grade level!!

  88. I just started the first book - about 200 pages in. YIKES!!

  89. I'm familiarizing myself with the Common Core this summer, as my school doesn't use them (yet). This would be a great resource to have!

  90. I just finished that book! WOW!!!! I feel naughty just admitting that I read it! However, I just put myself on the waitlist to get the second book. Thanks for creating such great things that save me tons of time!

  91. Love your idea! I was planning on reading Fifty Shades of Grey but I don't think the hubs really deserves that right now! haha

  92. We had a one day training on the Common Core ELA standards and left with MANY questions. One can we assess students in a way that will be easy for parents to understand and that will not bog us down too much?

    Still working on it, but these checklists look great!

  93. I am going to a conference for my district in July and hope to learn as much as I can! This looks like it would be SO helpful in staying oragnized and focused on each standard. I WILL be buying it if I don't win it!

  94. I have never actually commented on any post yet. These look so good, I dcided to try it! I would love to have these. They would be great with the daily 5 math we are trying this year.

    1. Should I leave my e-mail address?
      I told you I have never done this before. Ha

  95. Not only have I read the book but my friends and I chit chat at the gym about how wonderful Christian could be in real life! I think your work would be very helpful as we all get on track with the common core.

  96. Common Core ~~ how are you recording it on your report card? Our report cards would be several pages long.
    Thanks for the checklists. Great stuff.
    Happy Summer

  97. My grade level has been working hard with the new Common Core. Now that school is out I just started
    reading 50 Shades yesterday.


  98. This is so great!! I am your newest follower!! I would also be interested in how you incorporate this into report cards!!

    A Day in First Grade

  99. I have been wanting to do something like this since my summer break started and this is definitely very helpful. Love your blog!!

  100. Hey girl! Looks great and BTW read all 3 books in 5 days and I have a shirt that says "No Vanilla Here" although believe me, I'm Vanilla. LOL
    Fabulous in First

  101. Thanks so much for the great ideas. This year will be our first year, and it looks challenging to pull it all together! Thanks!

  102. oh Jenn,
    I can't stop reading about fifty shades...although I don't really like either character, but alas I can't stop...just finished book 2 and I'm trying to decide if I'm going to continue with bk 3. DANG cliffhangers.
    anyway...instead of buying the book I've looking around the web for school stuff...that is wrong too!!! Hope your vacation is coming soon!! June

  103. Thanks for the book recommendation. I go to Common Core training in July. I'd love to anything else you come up with. I'm glad your hubby is home :)

  104. Love your common core checklist and just started 50 shades...what a combo.

  105. Nice blog! Do you know where I can locate and Reading comprehension Assessment that is aligned to CC for 1st and 2nd grades?

  106. This is a great concept and the clip art is great! Is this written in Word. I would like to put kindergarten core standards on the labels?

    1. I have a Kindergarten version already made:

  107. These assessments are great and simple to complete yet tell all that is needed. Great creation.

  108. These assessments are great and simple to complete yet tell all that is needed. Great creation.

  109. I'm trying to streamline anecdotal notes for Common Core and was thinking of creating something similar. Thanks for doing it before me!


  110. This would be a great way to get my paperwork organized for the year!

  111. I just came across your website and your common core check lists. I REALLY hope you are not in your days of training anymore!!! They checklists look great. I would love to use them with my first graders!! ~Karyn

  112. how can i still get these check lists. I do not see them in TPT. Hoping for a free copy! Thanks lots!
