
Thursday, January 31, 2013

This zombie is alive!

Sorry for the long absence but I caught the dreaded flu and missed an entire week of school. That is more sick days than I have used in my career combined. My cold also went to my chest so I am now taking two asthma medications and have been coughing badly for 2 weeks straight. I cracked two ribs a few years ago from severe coughing when I had pneumonia so I have been nervous it will happen again. Let me tell you, that experience was right up there with childbirth pain. This week I have been playing catch up and felt zombie like by evening so no energy to blog. Honestly, my posts would have been pretty close to last year about MLK and Tacky.

Luckily I was back for the 100th day. The 100 year old art project is my absolute favorite thing we do all year so I couldn't miss it. Of course, the kids said I was THE BEST TEACHER EVER because we made fruit loop necklaces!

This is less than half my class. I am super envious of those who can get all their kids in one shot.
I got an email saying my groundhog pattern I posted last year using Scribd was giving people trouble so I uploaded it to Google Docs for you. Click here for the FREE pattern. You can read my post about the books we read, our writing, etc from last year here. Today we wrote our prediction if the groundhog would see his shadow or not. Since it is on Saturday I told the kids to watch the news and come ready Monday to say if their prediction was correct or not.
The paper is from Teacher Bits and Bobs
I wanted to make something to use those cute dice I found in the Target $1 bins so I made a Valentine's version of Roll Say Keep. We will use our sight word cards from my Sight Word Superstars program so each student is working on their own color goal (you can read more about that here if you are interested,) I included blank cards (not yellow) in the download so you could use your own sight words or add a different skill. I also included directions in case you aren't familiar with this game. Click HERE to download for free.

I'm joining in the TpT Super Sale on Sunday if you'd like to get 28% off Sight Word Superstars or one of my 40 other products. I'll be cheering on the 49ers while I am transferring items off my wishlist into my cart! Click on the pic below to visit my store and don't forget to enter the promo code: SUPER.
Thanks to the First Grade Fanatics for sharing this cute banner!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Freebies, Sweetness, and a Funny


I am trying to keep a little more balance in my life; hence blogging a little less often. I forgot to take pics of our New Year's Resolutions but they were similar to last year.  We practiced inferring again with The Snowy Day. I used the same project as last year but we are so short on time now I put all the supplies in a bin and had the students complete it independently during Work on Writing. I did make a few new things for The Sleeping Pig last week.

I am not following HM since I am the Common Core guinea pig but I had my students read the story during Read to Someone. Then they worked together to fill out the story map and noun search. I also included the puppets from last year to have the partners practice retelling. I had the writing prompt as a choice for Work on Writing. If you'd like a FREE copy just click HERE to download. If you want the puppets for EEK! There's a Mouse in the House you can get those by clicking on the word puppets.

Place-Value I Have, Who Has was a big hit this week. The first time we played our time was 8 minutes 37 seconds and after a few times our time is now 3 minutes 35 seconds. We are swapping times with a class down the hall, trying to out do each other! Click on the pic to go see it in my store.


I had a student miss two weeks just before the holiday break so her family could spend 4 weeks in Hawaii like they do every year.  (Can you say jealous? In my next life I want to manage a life like that.) This girl is one of my favorites (I know, I know, I'm not supposed to have favorites but she is one of those super sweeties who is ALWAYS with me and gives me a smile just when I am asking myself why I corral educate today's youth for a living.  I asked her to write me a letter from Hawaii telling me about her trip as part of her work packet. Not only did she write me an adorable letter but she included a bracelet and a menu from the restaurant she was describing!
Notice the sushi drawing.
Like how she starred her recommendations?
I covered up her return address but how sweet is that? I missed her, too.  

Do you have PESTS at your school? No, I don't mean the kind that require spraying. Ours are like a Secret Santa that lasts the whole school year. The PTA organizes it and I have been lucky to get some wonderful moms in the past. This year my PEST is terrific. I got a present every day the two weeks before the holiday break. Carmel corn, a Starbucks card, movie coupons, etc. All beautifully wrapped by a crafty gal. I am going to have to start taking pics before I unwrap. Today this was in my mailbox. It was filled with Ghirardelli Caramel Squares (my faves) and I am now enjoying my tea in it! I have to say, we have many wonderful parents.


My class has been talkative lately in line. After waiting for a while for them to quiet down I let a few quiet kids start walking to lunch without us. That got the rest of them in gear as they enviously watched their peers get ahead of them.
As the rest of us were following a few yards behind, a student next to me said, "What if they run?"
"I can see them, " I answered.
"What if they are way up there?" the student continued.
"My eyes can see very far, " I replied.
"You are just like Santa then," the boy replied with a grin.
I am pretty sure he was referring to my skill of watching behavior from afar and not my bowl full of jelly but I didn't ask.
Little moments like that are why I love teaching first grade.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Place-value freebie and game winners

 I made this bridge map to use on Monday. Click {HERE} to download it. A friend told me today that she had her students make a human bridge map and verbally say the answers. Good idea, thanks Suzanne!

Congrats to the following winners of my place-value giveaways!

Jessica Berger won Prehistoric Place-Value.
Click on the picture to go check it out.

Melanie won Place-Value I Have, Who Has.
Click on the picture to go check it out.
Lisa Burnett won Place-Value Go Fish.
Click on the picture to go check it out.
Gotta run my boys to scouts. I hope you all had  a good week back.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Plethora of Place-Value

I am dreading having to get up tomorrow for my first day back. Thank goodness it is an in-service day so if when I am a zombie it won't matter too much. I may need to bring my Keurig to school to keep up with the massive amounts of caffeine my body will require to get through.

 We are starting place value this week so I made an I Have, Who Has game. Do you play this game with your students? I time us every time we play and we try to beat our best time.

CCSS 1.NBT.2 Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts
of tens and ones.

Click HERE to grab a copy for only $1.50 in my store.

In my math tubs I am putting my Place-Value Go Fish game ($2)

and my Prehistoric Place-Value ($2) which is similar to Race to 100. It includes 2 versions to differentiate, one using unifix cubes and one that requires exchanging units for rods.
I always give a copy of a new packet away but today I thought I'd change things up a little a play Pin It to Win It. Pin these items to one of your Pinterest Boards and I will pick 3 lucky winners!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I also need to announce the winner of my Around the World packet is Cherie Mae Ong!
  Off to go change my nail polish, again. I got adventurous and tried Opening Night and it chipped after just one day! 
Photo from Spoiled Pretty
 I don't get it. I bought Sephora by OPI so it isn't cheap and I used 2 coats and put the quick dry top coat on, too. What the heck am I doing wrong? Now I remember why I usually give up trying to be fashionable. I think I need a support group. Hello, my name is Jenn, and I am fashion-challenged.

;-) Later, friends.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Around the World and a Word Work FREEBIE

I took a break from my slothness to make some things for school. (I know, I know, slothness is not really a word but I am on vacation so anything goes. )

Do you play Around the World with your students? I taught my class how to play to practice our math fact fluency and now they BEG to play. It is also a great time filler when we have a few extra minutes.  I decided I needed bigger addition flashcards to be seen across the room so I whipped some up. Click on the picture if you want to check them out. I plan to make a Subtraction set as well.

Common Core Standards Addressed:
1.OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10.

As usual, I'd love to give a copy away to a loyal follower. Enter below and I will announce the winner on Sunday (otherwise know as the end of my bliss.) 
a Rafflecopter giveaway  

I also made Winter Scrambled Sentences for my word work center. If you'd like a FREE copy just click on the first picture.

I know I love when others share so I hope you enjoy these.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I made a font!

Happy New Year! Although working right up to Christmas was hard, I have to say having this entire week off is really nice. I am so relaxed, getting a lot of quality ME time which I don't often do. I have been reading a ton (my absolute favorite past time) but I also have been playing with my new ipad!

I have only downloaded one app so far and it was ifontmaker. I have a font obsession so it was really fun to make my own.  Here is my first attempt. This is how I sometimes write my anchor chart titles. Click on the pic below to download it. If you use it I would appreciate a link back to my blog but no worries if you forget.

I named it JB Aglets because the "tubes" reminded me of the plastic on the end of your shoelace. Did you know those had a name? Is it weird that I did? It came up in casual conversation with my family the other day so I guess it was on my mind. WHAT? You don't discuss aglets around your dinner table?

Anyone know if there is a way to take a finished font and just change the properties like make the line thicker or do I have to redo it all? Also,  is there a way to search for other people's creations? Going to have to go spend some more time on there tonight. Hmmm.... what should I make next?

The other thing I have mostly used my ipad for is watching ALIAS from Amazon Instant Videos. OMG, I loved this show and it so nice to clean, put laundry away, etc while watching Sydney kick some butt! It makes chores so much more enjoyable!

Okay, off to make dinner. My husband will be shocked because he has mostly taken over cooking the last few years. Look at all the energy I have when it isn't zapped by 30 first graders. I even painted by nails this week! I am usually much too lazy because it doesn't seem worth it if it chips within days. Anyway, I went with OPI Meet For Drinks. Do you have a favorite shade?