
Wednesday, February 26, 2014


My entire store will be on sale for the next 2 days.
Perhaps you could use some seasonal activities...

or I have over 20 math games and activities
or over 20 book club packets
or maybe you'd like to check out one of my best sellers

 Happy shopping! I am headed to TpT to fill up my cart right now.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

FAN FREEBIE and another giveaway

I added a Fan Freebie to my Facebook page!
Scholastic is offering the FREE Storia ebook My Stinky Valentine: Laugh-Out-Loud Poems. 
My students will read the poems during their center rotation and then write an opinion response, explaining which poem was their favorite and why. I also included a picture space so they could draw their visualization.
I included the link to Scholastic FREE ebook and the CCSS in the download. If you don't have enough iPads for a center, you could download to your personal device and use it as a read aloud activity instead.

So hop on over to my Facebook page, LIKE me if you haven't already, then click on the Fan Freebie tab!

Congrats to Emily O'Neil and Leslie Ho on winning a free copy of these two items!

Last night I added a Magic Tree House Book Club 2 Pack to my TpT store. Enter below to win a FREE copy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Beach Bummed and Book Clubs

I am super envious that so many of you are on break this week!! Did everyone go somewhere sunny but me? I had a few days off so I can't complain too much.  My brother got 27 stitches after ripping his finger open so I was reminded to appreciate my health. I thought about posting the pics but I didn't want to gross you out. Think Frankenstein zig-zags down his entire middle finger. Poor guy.

I posted some new book club packets.  My students are getting SO good at writing their answers in complete sentences. I taught them a trick to cover the first couple of words (usually the who, what, why, etc.) Today I overheard one student nicely reminding a friend, "Remember, we never start with the dreaded BECAUSE." LOL, love hearing my own words repeated back!

This packet covers two National Geographic Kids informational texts at a 2nd grade reading level.
Here are a few sample pages.

I wanted a shorter fun book to use with my higher first graders so I introduced them to the Black Lagoon series. This book is great for practicing inferring and discussing character change.

Click HERE to go to my store or enter below to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine's BUMP

We celebrated Valentine's Day today since we have PD tomorrow and no school Friday.
I made a grammar version of BUMP to play which my 2nd graders LOVED!
Instead of snap cubes, we used conversation heart candy and mini heart erasers. 

 I included directions in the packet in case you are not familiar with Bump.

After we exchanged cards, we had an assembly by Wildlife Associates. They brought a red fox, red-tailed hawk, great horned owl, raccoon, and porcupine!

Sand Art
After lunch the parents organized games for the kids.
Dart Bow Shooting!

Knock the teddy off the cans by throwing bean bags

Squirt the ping pong ball off the tee and Minute to Win It stacking conversation hearts
I hope you have a fun day!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Just a few pics

I am working on a few new book club packets but they aren't quite done. In the meantime, I thought I'd show you how our groundhogs turned out.

 Of course some of the girls had to add eyelashes! LOL.
 The second graders wrote about what they love. My new school provides thematic stationary so our monthly writing for the portfolios always looks nice.
 I am so pleased at how their cursive in looking!
We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Wednesday since we have a PD day on Thursday. The art teacher has them make their bags. They pass the cards out in my room, we have a school-wide assembly and then a party organized by the parents in the afternoon. It is still hard to get my head around not being responsible for anything. I'll try to remember to take some pics this time.

Okay, back to trying to work while I watch the Olympics! I am looking for some books that are 4th grade level but not too mature for 2nd graders.  So far I have Fantastic Mr. Fox and Stone Fox. Do you have suggestions?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

100th Day, Freebies and a Sale!

Did you have celebrate 100th Day yet? My new school is departmentalized so I am still getting used to the changes this means for me. I miss teaching math and was a little sad to not be part of most of the 100th Day fun. Since I teach Language Arts, I was still able to do my favorite 100 Year Old writing that I have posted about before. Here a few shots the cuties made this year.

Next week we will be reading The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond.
I put together a packet on common and proper nouns which includes a tree map and a bulletin board idea
Sale  $1.60
plus templates for this craft that is also a sorting activity.

My students will also use this Read the Room activity for Word Work.

Sale $1.12
This ABC Order center is FREE.

Monday we will talk about how Phil the groundhog saw his shadow this morning so we will have 6 more weeks of winter. Could use use a FREE groundhog pattern? I posted this last year. 
Click HERE to get the template.
Paper from Teacher Bits and Bobs
Finally, I have decided to throw a Superbowl sale today in my TpT store since I bet many of us will have our laptops out during the game. I watch the commercials more than the game to be honest.
Thanks to Teaching in the Tongas for the cute graphic.
I am going off my diet today to enjoy some Superbowl snacks. Hope you have a fun day!

It is getting harder to keep up with blogging, especially if you wonder if anyone is reading anymore. The comments seem to be less these days. Maybe the traffic is all over at Facebook?