
Sunday, February 2, 2014

100th Day, Freebies and a Sale!

Did you have celebrate 100th Day yet? My new school is departmentalized so I am still getting used to the changes this means for me. I miss teaching math and was a little sad to not be part of most of the 100th Day fun. Since I teach Language Arts, I was still able to do my favorite 100 Year Old writing that I have posted about before. Here a few shots the cuties made this year.

Next week we will be reading The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond.
I put together a packet on common and proper nouns which includes a tree map and a bulletin board idea
Sale  $1.60
plus templates for this craft that is also a sorting activity.

My students will also use this Read the Room activity for Word Work.

Sale $1.12
This ABC Order center is FREE.

Monday we will talk about how Phil the groundhog saw his shadow this morning so we will have 6 more weeks of winter. Could use use a FREE groundhog pattern? I posted this last year. 
Click HERE to get the template.
Paper from Teacher Bits and Bobs
Finally, I have decided to throw a Superbowl sale today in my TpT store since I bet many of us will have our laptops out during the game. I watch the commercials more than the game to be honest.
Thanks to Teaching in the Tongas for the cute graphic.
I am going off my diet today to enjoy some Superbowl snacks. Hope you have a fun day!

It is getting harder to keep up with blogging, especially if you wonder if anyone is reading anymore. The comments seem to be less these days. Maybe the traffic is all over at Facebook?


  1. Those pictures of the oldies are just precious! Have you ever tried out the 'oldster' app that makes the kids look older? It's pretty wild! Thanks so much!
    Rockin' Teacher Materials

  2. I still read blogs! I have so many each day that I don't comment often though :) I'll be watching commercials too...maybe I should have made the button say something about commercials instead of football haha!

    Teaching in the Tongass

  3. I love the 100 year old self-portraits! I tried this a few years back but mine never turned out this cute. Most of my kids made themselves look about 30 instead of 100! Oh well, I guess to them 30 is old! :-)

  4. Love your blog and still read it always...just don't comment as often as I should :( Thanks for all the wonderful ideas.

  5. Hi Jenn!
    I follow college football rather than the professionals so for me, this Sunday night will be no different than any other. Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas! I never leave your site without being inspired.
