
Monday, January 20, 2014

Dreams that made me smile

Congrats to Karyn Wilbur on winning my new Adjective Penguin QR Center
You can grab yourself a copy for only $2 HERE.

I read Martin's Big Words to my firsties this week. It was so sweet how outraged they were at the unfair treatment.
Then we brainstormed big dreams they had for today's world. The list was similar to past years, no war, stop littering, etc. but some of the responses did remind me that the kids in this school have some different life experience.

One said, "I have a dream that everyone will donate to the SPCA." I think that may be because the brownie troop collected blankets for them.

 But these two made me wonder what the conversion is like around the dinner table...
"I have a dream that people will stop testing creams on animals."
"I have a dream that stocks will go up. Stocks are in trouble!"
My husband had the terrible flu this week but so far my boys and I haven't caught it. Crossing my fingers that stays the case this week! Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Catching Up

I took a blogging break during the holidays. We had EVERYONE at our house which was great but a little crazy and exhausting! Then report cards were due and I had Open House to prepare for... You know how it is.

Here's a quick update:
I had my students decorate candle holders with fingerprint snowmen for their parent present.
Yes, they were glass but we only lost one and had time to make another. I did wrap them in bubble wrap to make sure they made it home. They were so proud to take them home.

Last week, we wrote New Year's Resolutions.

My second graders used the word resolve and wrote in cursive to differentiate.

My first graders are focusing on adjectives this week. We read Tacky the Penguin and brainstormed a list of adjectives to describe Tacky.

Then each student picked an adjective and wrote me 2 sentences explaining how Tacky fit that adjective.
I've posted a Tacky craft in previous years but this year I needed something smaller and less time-consuming. Tammy over at Live, Love, Laugh, Everyday in Kindergarten was nice enough to share her Tacky patterns so I shrunk them by 50% and copied the shirt and tie on scrapbook paper. I found the writing paper by Moore Fun in Kindergarten.

I also made an Adjective Penguin QR Center.
The students read the sentence and identify the adjectives.
 I post the cards around the room and the students use clipboards to write their answers on their recording sheet.

When their recording sheet is full, the students get an iPad to scan the QR code to check their work.

Enter below to win a copy! Or you can grab a copy for only $2 in my store.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I feel totally out of the blogging/selling loop. Any interesting news I should know about?