
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Pronoun QR Code Center Giveaway

My kids are begging for more QR Code Centers so I made a Gingerbread themed one for pronouns.
I use mine as a Read the Room so I tape up the cards.
The students walk around with a clipboard and a recording sheet. In this center they will read the sentence and replace the underlined words with a subject pronoun.
When the recording sheet is full, the student gets an iPad and goes around scanning the QR codes to check their work. I really like this immediate feedback that doesn't usually happen in centers.

This center is only $2 in my TpT store. I thought we'd try a Pin It to Win It game for the giveaway this time.  I added the second option of following my TpT store in case some of you aren't on Pinterest so you can still play. Enter via the rafflecopter widget below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am finding with my smaller bulletin boards and a portfolio requirement at this new school, I am reworking some of my old projects.

This Santa's Stuck project (original idea from Cara) now fits on a single piece of construction paper.
Sadly, I had to forgo  the shaving cream & glue snow since it needs to be laminated for their book. :-(
" If Santa was stuck I would call workers to come ad make my chimney bigger."
And the one that made me laugh out loud.... "If Santa was stuck in my chimney I would bring a treadmill to the chimney so Santa can work out and then when he's not so fat he can get out."

I'm off to Goodwill to see if I can find an ugly Christmas sweater for a party tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Jen,
    I love your ideas. My kiddos love the QR codes. Thanks for creating another set for me to use. I love your blog. I hope you get a nice dated holiday sweater for your party.
