
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Pronoun QR Code Center Giveaway

My kids are begging for more QR Code Centers so I made a Gingerbread themed one for pronouns.
I use mine as a Read the Room so I tape up the cards.
The students walk around with a clipboard and a recording sheet. In this center they will read the sentence and replace the underlined words with a subject pronoun.
When the recording sheet is full, the student gets an iPad and goes around scanning the QR codes to check their work. I really like this immediate feedback that doesn't usually happen in centers.

This center is only $2 in my TpT store. I thought we'd try a Pin It to Win It game for the giveaway this time.  I added the second option of following my TpT store in case some of you aren't on Pinterest so you can still play. Enter via the rafflecopter widget below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am finding with my smaller bulletin boards and a portfolio requirement at this new school, I am reworking some of my old projects.

This Santa's Stuck project (original idea from Cara) now fits on a single piece of construction paper.
Sadly, I had to forgo  the shaving cream & glue snow since it needs to be laminated for their book. :-(
" If Santa was stuck I would call workers to come ad make my chimney bigger."
And the one that made me laugh out loud.... "If Santa was stuck in my chimney I would bring a treadmill to the chimney so Santa can work out and then when he's not so fat he can get out."

I'm off to Goodwill to see if I can find an ugly Christmas sweater for a party tonight!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Nonfiction Winners and Spalding Posters

Congrats to the winners of my new nonfiction book club packets!

 Monica Trevino gets Sharks and Penguins!
 and Jillian Rob Palmatier won Weather and Frogs!

I also uploaded Spalding Rule Posters for those of you who use this program, too.

Thanks for playing friends. Don't forget to visit my TpT store to grab these or some other goodies by tomorrow night at 28% off! I'm off to go shopping myself!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cyber Sale!

I'm joining the TpT Cyber sale!

 I love a good bargain so I am getting my wish list ready! Need some ideas?
 Best Sellers
Sight Word Superstars

 Book Clubs Packets
 Math Games

Common Core
and much more! I now have 78 items in my store, many free!
Click {HERE} to visit my store. Happy shopping!