
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Daily Editing Word Problems Update and Giveaway!

I have finally finished updating my Daily Editing Word Problems to align with the Common Core! Phew, that took FOREVER but now I am set for the ENTIRE YEAR!

I also made two major improvements:
1. The whole week is now on one page.
2. There is now an answer key!
I have posted before that my students complete this as morning work but it could also be used as a math warm-up. In the last few years I have used these in conjunction with a calendar page (Cara's and my own version) and as a stand alone in a math notebook. Both ways worked great, just depends how much time you have. Here are some cute pics from years past:
 The first half of the year we circle sight words, add punctuation and capitalization, and solve the math problem. We discuss the key words, draw a picture, and write a number sentence if applicable.

The second half of the year we do all the above but I have also added spelling errors to correct.

The kids LOVE getting picked to share their work under the document camera and I LOVE that I have a roomful of confident kiddos able to explain how they knew how to solve the problem. They also get wise and know I'll call for a second person to share if they can explain an alternative way to arrive at the answer or use a different tool (number line, ten frame, 120 chart, etc.) Can you say Standards for Mathematical Practice? And I was doing it before I even heard about the good ole Common Core Standards!

If you have bought these previously, the awesome news is that you can go to your TpT purchases page and download this major update for FREE! If not, this Daily Editing Word Problems {Common Core} pack for the WHOLE YEAR is available in my TpT shop.

I am going to give this updated pack to a loyal follower so enter below!
I have one week until I go back. Yikes, why does summer always go by so fast!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, July 29, 2013

And the winner is....

Congratulations to Amy Zuniga on winning a FREE copy of my new Editable Chevron Teacher Binder and Calendar pack!
Click HERE if you are interested in buying a copy for yourself.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Editable Chevron Binder and Calendar

Are you hooked on chevron like I am? I decided to make my teacher binder in the chevron theme this year. I was feeling the yellow and black this year. I like to change it up, last year I had a blue theme going.
I love having everything I need in one place. This year I am trying Avery Index Maker dividers. They stick out farther than regular dividers AND have a clear page protector. That way I can insert my pretty chevron title pages that make me happy.
I wanted the index to stick out farther because I have sub dividers in both my Grades and Guided Reading sections. I love these Avery Style Edge dividers.
Once I got creating I decided I needed a matching calendar.
I wanted maximum space to write to I left off the weekend but added a weekly planning box to keep track of the theme or unit.
I like one vertical page so I can look at it quickly and not have to turn the binder to the side.
I use these 8 dividers:
Lesson Plans-I made my own template and type my plans every week. Click HERE for a free copy. I left it a word doc so you can edit it but be warned the formatting and fonts could be off and need some adjusting.

Calendar-I use this to jot down special events, meetings, changes in schedule, etc.

Standards-I refer to my Common Core Assessment Checklists often.

Grades-I use the cluster pages form my CCSS Checklists and I made some similar ones for Science,   Social Studies, etc.

Guided Reading-I have dividers for each reading group, sight words, and reading levels.

Field Trips-I keep masters of permission slips and notes about planning here.

Student Info-I like to start the year with a quick glance of who is in RSP (Resource Specialist Program), Speech, has medical issues I should be aware of, etc.  I shared this form last year but updated so click HERE to download.

Meetings-I keep staff, committee, and grade level notes here.

I find this all-in-one binder system works the best for me.

I put this Editable Chevron Teacher Binder and Calendar pack on TpT this morning. I  included the pages I used plus 23 chevron pages that you can edit to add your own titles. Want to pick a different color for your cover? No problem, just add a text box. Don't like the font? No problem, add a text box. Want to add events to the calendar before you print? No problem, add a text box! I spent many, many, many hours on this so I think it is a steal at $4!
I'd like to give a copy away to say thank you for following me.  Enter below and good luck! The only thing I need to add to my binder is a pencil pouch with my favorite pens, pencils, a highlighter, and a small calculator. Do you get the same thrill from office supplies? I think all teachers do, right?
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, July 19, 2013

Exciting Find!

I bought something from MPM School Supplies that I am pretty excited to start using with my class.
My plan is to put these stopwatches in my Sight Word Center with my Sight Word Superstars lists.
Partners will time each other while they practice reading the list they are on within 20 seconds.
These stopwatches are AWESOME. They are so easy to use. Green for go, red for stop, yellow to clear. The kids are going to be SO excited to use them!

My students seriously BEG me for their turn to be timed to pass a level. You can read all about my Sight Word Superstars program in this old post.
I am happy to say I have gotten tons of great feedback on this product. Click  HERE if you'd like to check it out.

The school supply sales are starting and reality is creeping in. I go back August 8th. You?

Congrats to Ellen Zississ! She won my giveaway for Silhouette sticker paper.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Chalkboard Frame FREEBIE and a Giveaway

I got my chalkboard labels done for my pantry!
I cut the frames from chalkboard vinyl using my Silhouette Cameo.

The I used  a 1 mm chalk pen which worked wonderfully!!! Much clearer than regular chalk and won't smudge! It is simple to erase with a wet cloth so I can change the names as needed.
I uploaded my Silhouette Studio file for this chalkboard frame to Google Docs for those that can use it.

Would you like to win some FREE sticker paper for your Silhouette?
I will be giving away a package of clear sticker paper

and a package of white sticker paper.

Enter via Rafflecopter below July 15-18. Silhouette is asking you to sign up for the Educator Discount (free) but once you do you can earn more easy entry opportunities.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Gettin' Organized

Have you noticed I am not blogging much? Actually I have barely been on the computer at all. I needed a brain break from all things teaching. Instead I have been reorganizing my house. I know, doesn't sound like a relaxing summer but it was sorely needed and it actually makes me feel good.

You see, I am one of those people who really feel unsettled in a messy environment. I mean literally, I feel agitated. Then, a sense of calm comes over me when I walk in an area and it is clean and organized. Anyone with me or are you saying FREAK in your head? I often get comments that my classroom is kept very tidy and organized and the secret is I need it to be to function.

When I lived alone and even early on in our marriage my house was kept the same way. Everything had a home and it always got back there. There is no such thing as a junk drawer and piles were the enemy.

I would say things started to go downhill when I went back to work 6 years ago. My husband and two sons do not have my clean gene. In fact, they subscribe more to the hoarder lifestyle. And as I let my focus get drawn back into teaching, blogging, and TpT I started losing the battle.

After a particularly stressful year, I decided I need to re-evaluate how I was spending my time. I realized that the home chaos was really getting to me and that this was something I could do something about.

One of the problems is that we didn't have a good home for some items so they just got thrown into our extra bedroom closet. Messy and hard to find things.
Project #1: Extra Bedroom
Solution: I bought shelving and we turned this closet into storage since we never hang clothes in it anyway. Sorry for the poor quality phone pics.

Unfortunately I didn't take before pictures and I am not quite done filling the shelves but it feels good to have a place I CAN put things in an organized way.

Project # 2 THE PANTRY
The pantry was getting completely out of control so I bought 24 baskets at the Dollar Tree and sorted everything into like items. I also purged a lot. It was scary how many things were actually expired.
I ordered some chalkboard vinyl and plan to cut some cute labels with my Silhouette.

Project #3 The YARD
We have been terribly neglecting our pruning. Our yard looks like a jungle. Here is what we cut down on Sunday and we still are only about a third of the way done!

The boys and I are tackling their rooms today. Time for a MAJOR PURGE!  I am scared at what I might find. :-)