
Monday, July 16, 2012

Common Core Assessment Packs now K-3 & Big Brother

I finally finished the 3rd Grade version of my Common Core Assessment pack. Geesh, there were a lot! You can pick up a copy in my TpT store by clicking on the picture.
The thumbnail generator seems to be down at TpT but you can download the preview.

Just like the K, 1, & 2 versions, it includes all the ELA & Math standards. You can read more about how I plan to use these {here} if you missed my previous post. Thanks so much to everyone who has bought them. I am so glad you think they will be helpful!

I am not sure I have as many 3rd grade followers so to try to reach more people I am going to run a promotion giveaway. To enter to win your choice of a K, 1, 2, or 3rd grade Assessment Pack, please spread the word about them with a link back to me on your blog, facebook. twitter, or pinterest. If you don't partake in any of that, you can still enter by telling someone the old-fashioned way. :-)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Okay, on to Big Brother...
This group is kinda BORING so far! I'm sure part of the problem is that with the coaches, things got strategic right away. Instead of naturally making alliances by friendship the groups were formed for them right away. Plus Big Brother has restricted the alcohol a lot more since that one year they were kinda crazy. I'm not sure why when it would be a sure way to get more interesting t.v.

I had to laugh last night (Showtime) when Janelle, Ian, and Ashley were trying to figure out how many days were in July and couldn't. Seriously?? Too bad Danielle the supposed Kindergarten teacher wasn't in the room. I would have liked to see if they thought to ask her.

Boogie just bugs me. He seems like such a slimeball! Shane weirdly gets little camera time. They say he works out a lot and doesn't drink or smoke.


  1. Thanks for the good old-fashioned "tell someone" entry. I think I am the only person on the planet not to do any of the other things on your list!

  2. I agree about BB. It isn't keeping my interested...well, that's not completely true, there's nothing else on, lol!

  3. I completely agree. This season just isn't as exciting and cutthroat! Bring on the drama in my opinion!!

  4. A girl after my own heart! I love Big Brother! I missed half the show last night though! I only saw the end, so I must have missed that conversation about the months! haha

    Ginger Snaps

  5. Two of my favorite things, contests and Big Brother. :) I agree that I think using the coaches has totally taken away all the natural scheming for the newbies and now it is just a contest among the coaches to scheme and see how many they can get to their bidding. Oh well, we shall see what happens, maybe it will get more interesting. I do have a blog, but I just began and only have a handful of followers so thanks for the pin it and word of mouth method to tell about your giveaway!
    Think all night…..Teach all day

  6. Did you watch BBAD last night (Tuesday)? HUGE fight!!!

  7. I missed last night but have it on TiVo so I'll have go look! Thanks for the heads up!!!! FInally something interesting!

  8. Suzy Q is not the only person that doesn't buy in with all the social media. I am too busy with home and school to do it, but thanks for the word of mouth entry. I'm moving from 5th grade to 2nd this year. I really need the 2nd grade pack please.

  9. I am a BB junkie!! Do you watch the live feeds or read the feed updates/spoilers??

    I am a fan of Shane and Frank.. I also like Brittany.

    I am ready to see Willie and Danielle go..

    Boogie is not my favorite either.

  10. Hi there,

    Are the Common Core Standards for your particular state or do they cover all the states?

    A new teacher
    Laura Kraemer

    1. Laura,
      The common core are a set of standards that all the states are agreeing to use. I think there are 5 states who have yet to agree. You can learn more at

    2. Jenn,

      Thanks sooooo much! Your site is awesome and I'm sure to find lots (lots) of useful materials and ideas.

  11. Thank You...I am going to bring this packet to my district meaning :)

  12. Is the link still down? I would like to check it out!!! I am having trouble being able to open it
