
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Reindeer Readiness

 I seem to be behind many of you in the Christmas cheer department. Anyone else get seriously tense in December?? Although I love the holiday, the extra stress of present shopping and a houseful of expected guests does put a damper on it for me a little. If only I had an elf who would do the shopping and cleaning for me, then I could enjoy it to the fullest! I had insomnia Sunday night. I didn't fall asleep until 5:30. My alarm went off at 6.  Yep, 30 minutes of sleep for this girl. I kept thinking I should just get up and fold the laundry I didn't finish but then I was afraid I would miss any slight possibility of falling asleep. Instead I made lists in my head. Anyone a list maker?

SO, to try to catch up to all of you who have the cheer already in full gear (oh no, watch out, I'm rhyming now) I dragged my December box out and started looking through to see what my parent helpers could start prepping. I shared this after the holiday last year so I thought I would repost it early for those of you who may have missed it. Click HERE to read my original post with step-by-step-directions and templates. 

Thanks so much to all of you who shopped in my TpT store this weekend. It looks like I accidentally left the sale on today too so if you thought you missed it you have until midnight!


  1. I do the same thing when I can't sleep. I should just get up and get something done, but I always end up falling asleep right before my alarm goes off :(


  2. Hey Jenn! You poor thing, I hate those kind of nights. It can be so hard to turn everything in your mind off. I hope you get some rest soon and YES I feel tense in December too!! :)

  3. I don't have those kinds of nights often (I love sleep) but when it happens, I am not a happy camper. I also just stay in bed, hoping I'll finally fall asleep. Hang in there!!!!
    Thanks for sharing!! I was in the dark last year and had no idea all of these fabulous blogs existed! :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  4. Love those reindeer hats! Can soooo relate to not sleeping and list making! Hang in break will be here soon!

  5. I just love those reindeer hats! Thanks for re-linking to your original post! Keep it up...Not too much longer until you get a break!

    Kindergarten Is A Hoot

  6. Hi, I just passed the Sunshine Award on to you. Please visit my blog to read my post about it.


  7. I love your blog. I'm sure I'm not the first, but I awarded you the Sunshine Award.
    ☺ Tanya
    First Grade is Fantabulous!
    PS Happy Bloggiversary
