
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Chapter 7: Geometry

I have been reading Debbie Diller's Math Work Stations online. I have been trying to keep track of the great activity ideas shared for each chapter. I thought I could cut these in half and laminate to remind me what to teach and which materials to prepare. Then they could be put in the tubs for the Math Talk reminder.

Geometry Activity Cards

Head over to Patton's Patch to see all the other great posts on this chapter.


  1. cute! Thanks.

  2. Thanks for all of the freebies. I love the frame around the prompts. Where did you find it? Thanks!

  3. You are welcome. Send me an email Mary Beth.

  4. Hey Jenn,
    I'm trying to be a part of the Math Stations party but I live in the swamp and for the past few days my satellite internet and wifi will not connect...right now I'm down to one bar of reception and I'm trying to hurry and post so you can find this in will be in on everything and blogging again once I'm in my classroom tomorrow. I have pictures of my new "undone" classroom and then I'll reveal final product in August!! Just stopping by to say Hi..and love the new freebie...cute!
