
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Seuss Math Word Problems & Editing

Every morning my students have a math word problem to edit and then solve. I usually insert students' names but this week I used Seuss names and scenarios. I hope you can use it!

Seuss morning work


  1. Hi Jenn,
    I give you the Stylish Blog Award. I think you're terrific. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Thanks for sharing Seuss stuff! :) Gives me a lot to plan for March!

  3. I like the warm up activities. I will use as early finishers. I think I might allow the kids to solve each day on one stripe of the cat's hat. HMMM...Whatcha think?

    Cheryl from Mrs Saouds Class

  4. Fabulous!!!
    What a great idea!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. I love these ideas! Kim

  6. Thank you so much for your wonderful ideas!!!! Love your site!


  7. Love the idea of combining the language/editing with the math. I never would have thought of that!

    I can't wait to use next week to "Seuss" things up a little!

    Thanks for sharing! :)

  8. Thanks for sharing. I love your blog. Your Seuss activity caught my eye b/c I just created something with the same graphic. I got nervous b/c of copywright issues. Do you know if it's ok to post things w/ graphics pulled from the internet as long as you're not selling them? I'm very new at this (like I started last night). Thanks!

  9. So I almost didn't click on this because I have so many standards to focus on, but boy am I glad I did. What a fantastic way to combine math and reading. My kids will love doing this and I think I will put up one right answer daily using my new document camera. That should keep them interested. Thanks so much Jenn!!!!!!!!

  10. Smarties-WOW, thanks! I've already won this award this week and I don't think I have 7 more interesting but I thank you very much and hope everyone goes and checks out your blog.

    Cheryl-I like the answers on the Cat in the Hat idea!!

    Shelly-My understanding is that it is OK to use graphics like that as long as you are not selling the item.

    Mudd Puddle-I hear you on standards, that is one reason I combined the math and editing to hit two at once! :-) I use my document camera. too! The kids love to bring their work up and put it under.

    Everyone else- You all are the best for making such sweet comments! I love my followers :-)

  11. Thanks so much! It's an awesome idea!
