
Sunday, February 25, 2018

FREEBIES for March 2nd!

Seuss week is so much fun. One day to celebrate Dr. Seuss is just not enough! I have posted many activities through the years that you can visit by clicking on Seuss in my topics sidebar.  I noticed some of my older download links no longer swork so here they are in Google Drive. It is interesting to see my progression as I got more advanced with my computer skills.
You can download the Oh, the Places I'll Go! freebie HERE.
You might want to go back and read the blog post about my different prompt ideas HERE.
Download the Horton Hatches An Egg writing paper HERE.
Download the Horton pieces HERE

Download the Seuss Syllable Sort HERE.

Let me know if you need any other links to ideas I have posted.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

NYC Envy and Book Clubs

We have this week off school. My two high school boys went on a school performing arts trip to New York City leaving my husband and I at home. We decided we'd take advantage of the extra date nights and try some new restaurants. I am pretty jealous though. My kids are seeing amazing shows and having workshops with cast members. So far they have seen Once on This Island, The Play That Goes Wrong, The Amateurs, Anastasia, Come From Away, Puffs, and Wicked. Not to mention going to museums, NBC, ice skating. I am turning green. Right this minute they are at a dance workshop with a Hamilton cast member!
California kids experiencing weather!
To distract myself from my envy, I have been finishing up some old projects. Here are some book club packets that I have been meaning to post.  I'm glad so many of you find them useful! I'd love to give them away so leave me a comment with your email and I'll pick two winners to send to. Click HERE to see more detail.

Do you get a week off in February? I hear some places call it ski week but not around here.