
Monday, November 28, 2016

Don't miss the TpT sale!

EVERYTHING in my store is on sale for the Cyber Sale! Happy Holidays!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Halloween goodies

I miss having fun with holidays. Now that I teach middle school, it is almost like holidays don't even exist.  But when I start getting blue about not teaching the little ones anymore, I remember the potty accidents and feeling like I am herding cats and then I feel a little better.

Anyway, I was going through some of my files and found a book club packet that I had never posted. Since it is very timely, I went ahead and put it in my store.

Need a FREE Halloween ABC order cut and glue?

Or lots of other great stuff for this month! Ok, I'm getting sad again...

Our staff is thinking of all dressing as Where's Waldo characters. Does your staff dress in a theme or just do your own thing?

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Sound Racers

My life went through some major changes so it has been quite a while since I posted here. I am no longer teaching first grade but I still enjoying making things so I may still post once in awhile.
I made this game a year and a half ago and just got around to putting it in my store.

Our standardized test (CTP from ERB) asks students to identify beginning, ending, and vowel sounds and I was surprised that even our better students were missing the trickier ones. 

I made this game to practice this skill in my reading groups. The format is the same as the test so the students will be familiar with the way the question is asked. I show them the card as I ask the question.

I cut part these boards and laminated one for each player. I used mini erasers for playing pieces. You could have the students take turns answering or everyone could write their answer on a whiteboard and reveal at the same time. 
This also practices paying attention to details and we talked about not falling for their tricks (i.e. answers have same beginning sound but you were asked to find the matching ending sound.)

This game is fun and great practice regardless of what assessments you use. You can find it in my store if you interested.