You know how when you are in charge of something you don't get a chance to take pictures? That was me today for our Seuss Day. Luckily some of my fellow teachers were more on the ball. They even took one of me.
We passed out hats to every student as they arrived. This shot is them watching a BrainPopJr video about Theodore Geisel in morning assembly.
Then we sang songs they learned in music class from the musical Seussical. The backdrop was also from that show.
One class performed a Lorax skit.
Our art teacher made cute boards the students could take their picture with at lunch.
The teachers all had hats, too!
After reading
Oh, the Places You'll Go my second graders made the craft I posted about the other day.
"I am going to be an inventor. I am going to make a space probe and send it to pluto." |
"I will be a gastroenterologist because my dad is a gastroenterologist." |
"I will attend Foothill College and I will serve in the army." |
I found this one interesting since both his parents are doctors and I suspect their plans won't include community college or enlisting. ;-)
"I will become a Language Arts teacher. I will teach second grade." |
This one made me smile because this is my Mini-Me. I have had the pleasure of teaching her for a year and a half now and I taught her mom years ago (she was in junior high though!)
We also read Seuss books to one of the kinder classes. They were so cute!
Phew! I am worn out tonight! I hope your day was fun!