
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Catch-up!

I took a little time off blogging. I had another incident with the my confrontational parent. It was bad. She is seriously schizophrenic and started making false accusations that could be serious. My principal has now told her she may not enter my room unescorted nor speak to me without the principal present. I have a plan to immediately go into my neighbor's room if I ever find myself alone with her. Even though I knew I had done nothing wrong I was very unsettled. Then Sandy Hook happened and I took it especially hard. I am not sure if it was because of the threatening situation I was in, the fact that I teach the same age, or if perhaps my reaction would have been the same regardless? The only good thing is it helped me have more patience with my students who have been acting like there is a full moon. I am hoping it was mostly Christmas excitement (thanks district for keeping us in school through the 21st this year!) Passing notes to cheat on the math test, punching on the playground, making clubs and not letting others join.... no problem, I just envisioned the news showing the pictures of those poor Sandy Hook children and we got through.

So to catch up...
I am not sure Jingles improved their behavior much but I had fun with him. :-)
Jingles tried to pull Santa out of the chimney.

I was pleased when someone yelled out, "Look, he made a growing pattern!"
Riding the ladybug!
Picnic with Pete.
Snowball fight!!!!!
I love Pinterest and found most of my Christmas projects there! I pinned the snowman Christmas ornaments last year so I bought the clear bulbs in the summer when I found them at RAFT for a great price. The only problem was I bought the medium ones and the holes were pretty small so it took me over 5 hours to fill 30 bulbs with the fake snow!!!! Luckily I spaced it out over a few nights but still not cool in this especially busy time of year. I also wrote each child's name and the year in black Sharpie.

We used tempera paint and q-tips for the face but I think Sharpies would have been just as good. I bought sparkly pom-poms and pipe cleaners and let the kids pick. Many liked to mix and match which drives me batty but I kept my mouth shut and hot-glued on whatever they told me!
We also decorated my door.
I filled these cute containers with all different mints and added the tag for my parent volunteers.

 We made nutcrackers and wrote about them. It always cracks me up why they say he doesn't eat nuts.

We read lots of gingerbread stories and wrote about how we ate a gingerbread cookie (yum) using Lori's packet. I pulled out various craft supplies and let the kids go to town decorating their own gingerbread person.

We performed our annual holiday chorus which is always a big hit with the parents.

I also need to announce the 2 winners of the Me on the Map unit giveaway. SO sorry for the delay.

Congrats to Bren P. and Julie Marciniak I will email them right out to you! Click on the picture if you are interested in a map unit.

Alrighty friends, I am off to go try to catch up with some of your blogs! I hope everyone is having a safe, relaxing holiday and enjoying your family. Hugs and happy thoughts to all!!!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Snow in CA, freebie, and giveaway

I think 2 weeks may be the longest I've ever gone between blog posts. Sorry friends, once December hits I start feeling overwhelmed. In addition to all the holiday stuff, I have gotten 2 new students so I've been a busy elf.

New girl is sweet, QUIET, and follows every rule. She does shake her head like she understands even when she doesn't so there is that but clay I can mold.

New boy on the other hand is a lot of work. Apparently in his last school it was acceptable to yell, "Teacher, I need help" across the room and talk nonstop.  And steal supplies from your partner when you are too lazy to look for yours. And to constantly get up for a new pencil and then break them ON PURPOSE!  I was pretty understanding at first knowing he has had a change in home situation as well as school but he seems to be pushing the limits so I started cracking down. Which is necessary but exhausting, as you know. He was out sick Thursday and Friday. I'm sorry he is sick but I have to admit it was nice to have a little break.

I finally got on the Elf on the Shelf bandwagon. We named him Jingles and it is fun to say, "Jingles, are you watching to see who is following directions quickly?" Gold, I tell you!
Perched front and center to watch the first day.
Making friends with our snakes.
Hanging upside down from the projection screen

Reading a book.
Emailing Santa.
 My middle school son found a website to email Santa so he started filling it out from Jingles and set him in front of the keyboard. When the kids came in the screen saver was on so they started guessing that Jingles was playing Angry Birds Space, etc. So I said, "Let's see..." and moved the mouse to wake it up. The kids were so excited to see the email. A little chaotic but fun. :-)

This week we read Santa's Stuck and did the same project as last year that I originally got from Cara at The First Grade Parade. She used cotton as the snow and I changed it to glue/shaving cream for a 3D look.
The kids favorite part is adding the snow. I perfected my "snow" recipe this year. Instead of half glue and half shaving cream I used less glue and it stayed fluffy and almost feels like styrofoam when it dries! So cool! I tried to get a close-up for you.
We also completed a story map which you can download by clicking {HERE.} The cute Christmas frame is from Corinna at Surfin' Through Second.

There are antonyms written on the Christmas bulbs. This ideas was adapted from Precious Perks.

Me on the Map is coming up in our reading series and as I pulled out my templates to get everything copied I realized I posted that I got the packet up but I forgot to give a copy away like I usually do. I am so sorry my faithful followers! Thank you to the many of you who bought it already!!!
To make amends I will give away 2 copies!! Just enter below and I will pick the winners next weekend. To check this unit out click {HERE} or on the picture.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I hope you all are doing well at this crazy time of year.